09 Oct 2020

Silos / Silo cells fi5000_ 20

We completed one project related to production of silos (silo cells) of 5.000mm diameter, made up of modular segments for on-site assembly. These silos are designed for economic shipping and require short assembly time. više →

We have successfully completed the project related to installation and commissioning of the equipment for wrapping of the pallets of finished goods with elastic film (so called stretch hood machine) which has various advantaged compared to shrink and standard wrapping (faster, more cost efficient alternative, superior load protection leading to a reduction in damaged products;.. više →

During 2020, we have produced and installed new grass catchers (removers) in sugar factories in Serbia. Grass catcher – removers are specific machines used at the beginning of the sugar beet processing in the sugar production process and they are used to remove grass and other similar impurities from sugar beet. Tehnoradionica plc is a.. više →

15 Aug 2020

Silos – Silo cell 3200 inox AISI304

Production and installation of the equipment for receipt and storage of the corn starch: – Stainless steel (AISI 304) Silos / Silo cell: diameter 3200mm, h=8000mm (cylindrical part) with steel construction and related additional equipment (filter, level indicators, safety pressure valve and other…). – Stainless steel (AISI 304) round vibrating bottom, diameter 1500mm. – Stainless.. više →

18 Jul 2020

Screw conveyors 1000×23000 _ 7.20

We have successfully completed big project related to maintenance and production of new stainless steel screw conveyors of large dimensions (screw diameter 1000 mm, total length 23000 mm). For more details, please see videos and photos below. više →

01 Jul 2020

Silos / Silo cells fi4600 _ 7.20

We have successfully completed big project related to the production of specific silo cells (diameter from 4,6m to 5m, height 7-10m). For more details, please see photos from the production and before delivery and installation. više →

18 Jun 2020

Square silos / silo cells _ 6.20

We have successfully produced many square silos (silo cells) of various dimensions (10 pieces): – 1,7×1,7m and 2,7×2,7m – height of 12m i 15m više →

21 May 2020

Steel constructions _ 5.20

In the previous month, we have made and installed steel structures of various dimensions and purposes. više →

We have recently produced many rotary dispensers and rotary valves of various dimensions (diameter of 150-800mm) for our Clients. više →

20 Mar 2020

Tanks / Reservoirs 50m3_ 3.20

We completed the big project related to production of dozen tanks / rezervoirs of 50m3 made of various materials (stainless steel AISI 304, 316; S235…) više →