20 Jan 2022

Silos, cones, baskets_ 1.22

We have successfully completed big project related to the production of a large number of square silos in segments, silo cones and baskets. više →

We have finished the project related to the repair of many bucket elevator drums (diamater of 1000mm). We also produce all types of bucket elevators (chain and belt), its spare parts and overhaul of existing elevators. više →

12 Dec 2021

Eco containers_ 12.21

We produced eco containers of various dimensions for electronic waste disposal. For more information about the project, please see => For more information about different types of eco containers we produce => http://www.tehnoradionica.rs/eko-kontejneri/ više →

30 Nov 2021

Screw conveyors 940x5140mm _ 11.21

Production of the specific screw conveyors Ø940X5140mm whose spiral flight segments are reinforced with hardox plates. Screw conveyors are produced for our long term Customer (Lafarge Holcim Group). više →

12 Nov 2021

Silos, cones, baskets_ 11.21

We have successfully completed big project related to the production of a large number of square silos in segments, silo cones and baskets for our Customer from pet food industry. više →

24 Oct 2021

Screw conveyor Ø600X7640mm_ 10.21

Production of the screw conveyor Ø600X7640mm for dry sugar beet noodles, in sugar factory. više →

15 Oct 2021

“Morton” mixer _ 10.21

We have successfully completed a complicated overhaul of the “MORTON” mixer used in the pharmaceutical industry: više →

03 Oct 2021

ISO 9001:2015 extension_ 10.21

We have successfully completed the recertification inspection and audit of the quality management system in compliance with the requirements of SRPS ISO 9001: 2015 standard (15 years in a row) Sertifikat => ISO 9001 2015_ eng više →

30 Sep 2021

Belt conveyor 800x13500_ 9.21

Production, delivery and commissioning of the equipment for the sugar factory (department of sugar beet noodle drying): – belt conveyor 800x13500mm – bucket elevator 20t/h više →

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